The Pros And Cons of Dual Agency In Utah

The Pros And Cons of Dual Agency In Utah

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In some states, dual agency is an option to enter with their real estate agent(s) for sellers and buyers. What is dual agency in real estate, while this can streamline transactions, you need to be fully aware of everything that entails, especially as one party can wind up getting the short end of the stick. So here is the dual agency’s pros and cons in Utah.

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What is Dual Agency?

The Pros And Cons of Dual Agency In Utah

As defined by one of the top real estate sites, “dual agency refers to the relationship you have with your Real Estate Agent as a buyer or seller. With two agents or a single agent, which is more common, dual agencies can occur. ” “The seller’s agent who also represents the buyer works in a dual agency with a single agent under a dual agency.” So dual agency involves one agent in both roles, serving essentially as both the seller’s agent and the buyer’s agent.

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This can obviously lead to a conflict of interest, which is why it is not allowed in all states. In those states where permitted, both seller and buyer of the dual agency are required to be informed by dual agents. “These two parties must also sign forms of consent to recognize the concept of dual agency and the restrictions imposed by this type of agreement on the real estate agent.”

Pros of Dual Agency

Streamlined Communication

Dual agency occurs when a real estate agent represents both the buyer and the seller in a transaction. One potential advantage is streamlined communication since information can be conveyed more efficiently between the parties involved.

Faster Decision-Making

With a single agent overseeing both sides of the deal, decisions may be made more quickly. This can be beneficial in a fast-paced real estate market where timing is crucial.

Complete Transaction Understanding

A dual agent has an in-depth understanding of both the seller’s and buyer’s needs, motivations, and limitations. This comprehensive knowledge can help in negotiating a deal that is agreeable to both parties.

Reduced Confusion

Since the dual agent is privy to all information, there is less likelihood of misunderstandings or miscommunications between the buyer and seller. This can contribute to a smoother transaction process.

Cons of Dual Agency

Conflict of Interest

The most significant drawback of dual agency is the potential for a conflict of interest. The agent must balance the interests of both the buyer and the seller, which can be challenging, and may result in one party feeling disadvantaged.

Limited Advocacy

Each party may feel that they don’t have dedicated representation since the agent is working for both sides. This may limit the advocacy that each party receives during negotiations.

Confidentiality Concerns

Information shared with a dual agent may not be as confidential as when working with separate agents. There is a risk that sensitive details could unintentionally be disclosed to the opposing party.

Legal and Ethical Implications

Dual agency is subject to specific legal regulations, and failure to navigate these properly can lead to legal issues. There are also ethical considerations, as some argue that representing both sides may compromise the agent’s duty to provide undivided loyalty to their clients.


The Pros And Cons of Dual Agency In Utah

Who pays commission in dual agency, a dual agent receiving two commissions— one from the buyer and one from the seller— may be just a bit anxious to close those commissions as quickly as possible. In fact, although unethical and possibly illegal, it happens that dual agents fail to reveal certain facts that could make the deal worse and cause them to lose those commissions.


A dual agent has a duty to be loyal to both buyer and seller. The agent must strive to get the best deal from the buyer and the highest price from the seller. But these are obviously competing interests. Therefore, the agent can show favoritism by advancing the interests of one party over the other. People do it naturally, and real estate agents are certainly not immune.


If you are a buyer, your buyer’s agent will typically advise you about the reasonableness of the Listing price and may suggest a lower offer. But it can happen with a dual agency in Utah that the agent defends the original listing price in order to get a larger commission.


The goal of a seller’s agent is to get a buyer to buy the property the seller sells — not to find the property that best fits the seller. That means that if you use a dual agent simply because you don’t have an agent (a buyer’s agent) with just that goal, you may miss properties that fit your needs.


If legal issues arise, your options may be more limited with a dual agency in Utah. You’re only dealing with one broker’s office, and that limits who you can bring a lawsuit against if such a situation arises.

The Must-Have for Successful Dual Agency

Certainly, dual agency can work for your benefit in Utah. But it also carries a number of significant dangers. So if you choose to use a dual agent, you need one you can trust unconditionally. And that’s where we go.

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